Sunday 1 April 2012

[Returns!!] Happy April Fool's Day!!

Hey Pico users!This is your Captain Panda!Happy April Fool's day!!!Remember the park from last year?It's back for you to enjoy again!!Have a Great April Fool's Day!This park is only available for limited time only!We plan to close the April 16th 2012. Enjoy!Hey Pico users!This is Panda again!As all of you know,today is April Fool's Day!!Have you fooled anyone??Well,there is a perfect place for all Picos to have fun on this April Fool's Day!There are super fun April Fool's day items!! I know you'll love them!Aren't they so great?Makes you want to tell more jokes, right?You will find these items from this Shop in April Fool's Park!Come check them out for yourself.Have a April Foolish Pico Life!

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